RE: [-empyre-] context and text

> Lucy wrote:
> >When working with visual art media such as installation,
> >photography, video the context in which the work is
> >displayed impacts upon its reading by the viewer.
> >Could such a thing be possible in literature?

Jaka wrote:

> yes, medium has influence on understanding of language content, on
> several levels.
> When reading from book or screen we usualy use different
> codes: underlined word means something different in print (emphasize)
> than on screen (link) - this is stil valid if sreen content (or e-book)
> is printed -
> we are aware of this and if we joust get print we are usualy able to
> reconstruct that
> content is screen based. Underlining of the word opens different content
> isuses and
> different expectations.
> And there is a lot of elements like this (for example: sreen
> based text might change if we 'touch' it with mouse - we don't expect
> this in book, ...)
> click,
> jaka

Jim wrote:

yes, the context or frame is, as usual, rather strong in its alchemy, isn't it. as mcluhan has
said, "the environment is invisible". but invisible things have their say. the frame or context


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